About Me

As Featured On

The History

— How it all began

I had my first guitar student at the age of fourteen. I was so excited for the experience that teaching started from that young age.

One of my favorite classes was preschoolers. They call me guitar man where ever they see me. Teaching from age 4 is one of my greatest and most exciting activities ever. I will always be a teacher.

My Mission

Strumming a melody just for you and yours. Giving the mind some tones of my strings.

— What's Next

We will explore every possible way of teaching you.

What's My Motto

Strumming a melody just for you. One string tone melody will do.

— Simon Peters


Rem Reddite

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Vulncre at eos materias ad eu louor qui amet arcui. Unde fames sem solenni qui typi eos ad nam si modo purus ullo este. 

Sed Excepto

— Cum ii tot rerum

Vulncre at eos materias ad eu louor qui amet arcui. Unde fames sem.


See The Classes

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